©2003-2013, Heymann Consulting
Cumulus Importer - Version 8.6.0
Documentation Version: 8.6.0



0 Introduction

   0.1 Tryout Version
   0.2 Special Thanks

1 Installation

2 Usage

3 Configuration of import of data

   3.1 Field assignment for the import of data
   3.2 Further information about the configuration

      3.2.1 Update of the Cumulus Field List
      3.2.2 Import of Data without Record Field Entries
      3.2.3 Cumulus Field Types
      3.2.4 Hidden Debug function

   3.3 Import of metadata - Examples

      3.3.1 Import of data into a string list field
      3.3.2 Import of data into the category list
      3.3.3 Import into record fields (notes field)
      3.3.4 Import into record fields

   3.4 Import of metadata - More examples

      3.4.1 Import into multilanguage text fields
      3.4.2 Import of asset references
      3.4.3 Multi-langue import into list fields

4 Menu Items

5 Application Preferences

   5.1 Import File Preferences
   5.2 Canto Cumulus Preferences
   5.3 Cumulus Importer Preferences
   5.4 Log File Preferences

6 The Import File

7 Further Information

   7.1 Cumulus Importer - Special Functions

      7.1.1 Support of Multi Catalog Collections
      7.1.2 Support of String List Fields - Multi-Select

   7.2 Feedback & Support

8 Version History


0 Introduction


The Cumulus Importer EJaP for the Cumulus Client

The Cumulus Importer lets you to import information from a text file into a Canto Cumulus catalog (Remark: if you want to import data into a Cumulus catalog version 5.x, please use our Cumulus Importer 3.1.1). With the help of the software you can import information from any other database system, Excel spreadsheet or text list into Cumulus.

The data should be exported from the database system in the standard database export format (database fields delimited by tabulator character). You can assign the information to each and every Cumulus field (record field or category field). The data can be imported into text fields, string list fields or into the list of categories.

0.1 Tryout Version

The demo version of the software is a fully functional version of the 'Cumulus Importer', so you can use the demo version to test each and every functionality. The number of records that you can import with the demo version into a Cumulus catalog is limited to 10 records per session.

You can order a full working version of the software here.

The Cumulus Importer comes with a set of example files. To test the examples described in this readme file please use the Cumulus catalog 'furniture.ccf', which you can find in the folder 'Examples'. Additionally you will find two text files in the folder with data to import into the catalog.

In the sub folder 'Import scheme files' you will find some examples for field assignments for importing data into a Cumulus catalog. The import scheme files contain field assignment information and the path to the textfile. You can only use the import scheme file, if the path to the text file points to the standard installation path (Windows: 'C:\Program Files\Canto\Cumulus Importer 8' or MacOSX: '/Applications/Cumulus Importer 8'). Of course, you can change the path in the import scheme file with every text editor to use the import scheme with the text files in a different location.

The tryout version info is displayed until you provide a full version serial number

0.2 Special Thanks

A special thanks to all who have contributed to the development and improvement of this product. Thank you very much to all our current Cumulus Importer customer who helped us to develop this useful product. We are looking forward to even more feedback from you to make the product even better.


1 Installation


When you download the Cumulus Importer product from the web, you get the file 'CumulusImporter86.zip'. Unpack the file 'CumulusImporter8.zip' to get the folder 'Cumulus Importer 8.6'. If you get the product on CD-ROM, you will find the folder 'Cumulus Importer 8.6' in a sub directory named after your operating system ('Windows' or 'MacOSX').

Installation under Windows: copy the folder into the directory 'Canto' on your system hard-disk ('C:\Program Files\Canto').

If you are using a 64bit Windows Operating System copy the folder into the directory 'Canto' on your system hard-disk at ('C:\Program Files (x86)\Canto').

Installation under Mac OS X: copy the folder into the directory 'Applications' on your system hard-disk ('Macintosh HD/Applications').

If you want to use the examples shipped with the software, it is import to follow these copy instructions. The installation folder contains the following files and folders:

The contents of the installation folder
  1. CumulusImporter - contains the EJaP file to import data into a Canto Cumulus catalog
  2. The folder 'Documentation' contains information on how to use the application (html format)
  3. The folder 'Examples' contains a Cumulus example catalog, text files and importscheme files, which are used in the documentation to explain the functions of the 'Cumulus Importer'
  4. README file that holds additional information about the current version
  5. License.txt contains the license information of the product

In the copied folder you will find the sub-folder 'CumulusImporter'. Copy this folder (and its contents) into the 'ejp' folder in the installation folder of your Cumulus application. Under Windows it is 'C:\Program Files\Canto\Cumulus Client\ejp', under Mac OS X it is 'Macintosh HD/Applications/Cumulus Client'.The 'ejp' folder of the Cumulus application can be found in the Cumulus package. You can reach this folder by clicking the mouse-button while holding down the CTRL-key on the Cumulus application. Click on 'Show Package Contents' in the context-menu. This will open a finder-window with a subfolder 'Contents'. In that folder you will find a Mac OS X folder and there you will find the 'ejp' folder in which to copy the 'CumulusImporter.ejp' file.

Restart the Cumulus application to use the Cumulus Importer, it will show a new menu item in your Cumulus application called 'Importer'.

You will get a serial number for the Cumulus Importer with the full version of the product. Since version 8.6.0 of Cumulus Importer this is a Cumulus Server serial number, so you have to add the number to the list of Cumulus serials in the license dialog of the Cumulus Server Console to unlock the version.


2 Usage


Important: before you can import information into a Cumulus catalog with the help of the 'Cumulus Importer' you have to make a safety copy of the catalog before you can go ahead and change the meta data in the catalog. There is not UNDO function for the import available. You can only go back to the initial version of the catalog if there is safety copy available that you can open instead of the changed catalog.

The Cumulus example catalog before the import of data

To import information from a text file into a Cumulus catalog with the help of the Cumulus Importer, please do the following:

  1. Open the Cumulus catalog, in which you want to import the information.

  2. Open the text file, which contains the information that you want to import into Cumulus, by selecting the menu item 'Importer>Open...'.

  3. You have to select which fields of the text file you want to import and also if you want to import into Cumulus record or category fields.

    There are 3 different types of imports available with the 'Cumulus Importers':

    - Import into the category list or string list fields
    - Import into record fields
    - Import into category fields

    The import of data into a string list field is very simple to do, you only have to select the field of the text file and the Cumulus string list field and start the import of data.

    If you want to import data into a record field of the Cumulus catalog, you have to define a relation between the text file and the Cumulus catalog by specifying one or more relation fields (in most cases the 'Asset Name', if this criteria is unique!). The Cumulus Importer will only import the data into a record, if the value of the relation field is equal to the value in the field of the text file. Depending on the preferences the information is imported into the first found record or in all found records.


    The text file that you want to import contains the name of the file together with other information. In the 'Cumulus Importer' you define a relation between this field of the text file and the Cumulus field 'Asset Name'. When importing the data Cumulus performs a search for all the records with this file name in the field 'Asset Name'. If available, the information of the record of the text file is imported into the first found record or all found records, depending on your preferences.

    If you want to import information into category fields of the Cumulus catalog, you have to define a relation between a category field and the field of the text file. The procedure is identical to the procedure necessary when importing information into record fields.


    The text file that you want to import contains the name of the category together with other information. In the 'Cumulus Importer' you define a relation between this field of the text file and the Cumulus category field 'Category Name'. The Cumulus Import browses the category list and assigns the information to the fields of the first found category.

  4. Definition of additional information

    If you want to import information into a text field or category, you can define additional information that is imported prior to the text that comes from the text file or as a master category to the newly created categories.

    Example 1 - Master categories:

    A list of product names shall be imported into the category list. Newly created categories are sorted alphabetically on the top level of the category list. In most case it is much better to create a master category for categories 'of the same type'.

    Example 2 - Additional Text:

    If you do import a lot of different data into the same text field it is helpful to define additional text that is imported prior to the information from the text file. E.g. if you want to import the price of a product into the notes field, you can define additional information like 'Price Euro:' that is added to the text before importing it into the Cumulus catalog. After the import the notes field looks like this:

    Price Euro: 4711

    The additional information increases the readability of information in a text field.

  5. Start the import of data into the Cumulus catalog by clicking the button 'Import data...'.

    A log file will be created that can give you more information about the success of the import. You can specify the name and location of the file.

  6. You can save your setup for the data import in an import scheme file. This file holds information about the field assignments, the name of the Cumulus catalog and the name of the text file.


3 Configuration of import of data


3.1 Field assignment for the import of data

An example configuration for the import of data: information is added to the records and new categories are created and assigned to the records

In the example above text information from the file 'Furniture.txt' is imported into the Cumulus catalog 'Furniture'. The text file contains information about different designer furniture products.

Please select the text file, that contains the data that you want to import into your Cumulus catalog, by using the menu item 'Importer>Open...' and select the file 'furniture.txt' that you can find in the folder 'Examples'.

The display of a record of the text file in the list of fields

The 'Cumulus Importer' displays the list of the first record of the text file in the first column of the table. The field values are separated by tabulator. The first line of the text file is:

Product Group tabulator Product Name tabulator Product Type tabulator Designer tabulator Color tabulator Price Euro tabulator Orders per Month tabulator Release Date tabulator Filename

A lot of database systems use the Tabulator as the field delimiter (even Cumulus while exporting data from a catalog). If your text file uses a Semicolon as the separator, you can change the setup in the options to let the Cumulus Importer work with this type of text file. Often the line of the text file does not contain information that you want to import in your catalog. You can disable the import of the data of the first line by activating the option 'Ignore first record of text file'.

With this setup the first line of the text file is ignored

At the bottom of the dialog you will find the number of records in the text file. Remark: the number of records is always the number of lines in the text file, independant from your selection to ignore the first record or not.

In this example the third of 7 lines of the text file is displayed

This example file only contains 6 lines of text that should be imported. You can step through the lines by clicking on the buttons << and >>. In this example the text line holds 9 different fields, delimited by the Tabulator character.

You have to define a relation between a field of the text file and a field in the Cumulus catalog. The relation field is necessary to perform the search for the appropriate records. In our example, the text file holds the name of the file and we can use this information as the relation field for the data import. Select the 9th line of the list, which holds the file name and assign the Cumulus field 'Asset Name' by clicking on the button 'Select...'. After seleting the Cumulus field you will be asked if the field is a relation field or not. Your answer should be 'Yes' to let this assignment be a relation. While importing the data the Cumulus importer will perform a search for 'Asset Name' and import the data into the records found. If no record is found in Cumulus, a message will be added to the log file (depending on your preferences setup).

The following information should be imported:

  1. Field 1-4 (Product Group, Product Name, Product Type and Designer ) shall be imported into the category list. Every created category should also get a master category (e.g. 'Product Group' ...)
  2. Field 5 (Colors) shall be imported into the record field 'Colors'. This field is defined in the Cumulus example catalog 'Furniture' as a string list field. The newly created list entries are sorted alphabetically.
  3. Field 6 (Price Euro) shall be imported into the record field 'Price Euro'. This field is defined in the Cumulus example catalog 'Furniture' as a real number field. The Cumulus Importer converts the text value into a number before importing the data.
  4. Field 7 (Orders per Month) shall be imported into the record field 'Orders per Month'. This field is defined in the Cumulus example catalog 'Furniture' as an integer field. The Cumulus Importer converts the text value into a number before importing the data.
  5. Field 8 (Release date) shall be imported into the record field ''Release Date'. This field is defined in the Cumulus example catalog 'Furniture' as a date field. The Cumulus Importer converts the text value into a date before importing the data.

Please select the line that you want to assign a Cumulus field to. Click on the button 'Select...'. You have to decide, if you want to import data into Cumulus record fields or category fields.

Selection of the Cumulus field type: Record field or category field

In this example we want to import data into Cumulus record fields. Remark: the Cumulus category list is a virtual record field (and NOT a category field)!

After selecting the field type, you can not change this setup anymore until you restart the application by opening a new Importer window.

Select a record field out of the displayed list of fields

The 'Cumulus Importer' would now import field 9 of the text file into the Cumulus record field 'Asset Name'. You can delete this assignment by selecting the appropriate line in the list and by clicking the Backspace or Delete key.

In this case, we do not want to import field 9 into the field 'Asset Name', but the Cumulus Importer should use field 9 as a relation field between the text file and the database.

Select 'this field defines the relation' and also specify the search condition that meets your needs (usually 'is'). The Cumulus Importer will create a search query to perform a search for the records. This query will be displayed as an example at the bottom of the dialog.

After selecting the relation, the line is marked with the search condition in square bracket (example: Asset Name [is]) which should indicate that the field is a reference field and is not imported into the catalog but used to find the appropriate records.

For the import of the categories, we select line 1 to 4 at once and click on the button 'Select...'. Please select the record field 'Categories' in the list of fields. The categories should get a master category to structure the category list. You can define the names of the master categories in the third column of the table:

The additional information for a category is used to create a master category

The additional information function is available for category import and for import into text fields. For text fields, the additional information is imported prior to the text from the field of the text file. For further details on this topic, please read and try Example 3.

This import scheme is used and further explained in Example 4.

3.2 Further Information about the Configuration

3.2.1 Update of the Cumulus Field List

When opening the Cumulus Field List dialog for the first time, the Cumulus Importer reads all the fields from the Cumulus catalog. If you change the field definition of the Cumulus catalog in the meantime, you can update the field list by closing the Importer window.

You can update your Cumulus field list by opening a new import window.

3.2.2 Import of Data without Record Field Entries

With the help of the 'Cumulus Importer' you can also import data, that will not be imported into Cumulus record fields or category fields. In this case, you do not have to define a relation field. This is when you import data into the category list or into a string list field.

You will find a detailed explaination of what to do in the Example 1 and Example 2. Import of Data into the Category List

You can assign each field of the text file to the Cumulus record field 'Categories'. The newly created categories do not have to be assigned to records while they are imported. It is also possible to define master categories. If one field of the text file holds a lot of categories delimited by comma or blank, you can let the Cumulus Importer split the text before importing it as one category.

You will find an example of the import into the category list in Example 2. Import of Data into a String List

With the Cumulus Importer it is also possible to import data into a string list field. It is not necessary that the newly created list entries are assigned to records. Entries will only be added to the list once and they are sorted alphabetically.

You will find an example of the import into a string list field in Example 1. Import of Data into Category Fields

The 'Cumulus Importer' can also import data into category fields. The steps for the assignment of the import into the category fields is equal to what you have learned before. Import of Data into Category Fields

If you want to import data into category fields, you have to select the correct Cumulus field type first: Category Fields.

Selection of the Cumulus field type: record fields or category fields

If you want to import data into category fields, you have to define a relation between the data from the text file and the field 'Category Name'.

Select a category field out of the list to specify the relation to import into category fields

After setting the relation, you can specify the field that should be filled by the Importer as usual.

Select any other category field to import into this field


3.2.3 Cumulus Field Types

Canto Cumulus supports a long list of field types:

The Cumulus list of supported field types

The Cumulus Importer supports all the field types that are important for the import of metadata. The current version of the Importer does not support the following field types:

- Data Size
- Length
- Picture
- Resolution
- Asset Reference
- Audio
- Binary

Usually all these field types are used internally by Cumulus and the import of metadata into these field types would damage internal information of your Cumulus Catalogs. Therefor we do not allow imports into these field types.

3.2.4 Hidden Debug function

The Cumulus Importer log file shows messages and errors created while importing metadata. If you want to get more technical information on how your metadata is 'treated' during the import process, you can switch on a debug log. Add the line 'debug=true' to your Importer License file to activate the debug log.

Under Windows you can find your Importer License file ('ImporterLicense.properties') at 'C:\Program Files\Canto\Cumulus Client\conf, under Mac OS X it is inside the 'conf' folder inside your Cumulus application. It can be found inside the Cumulus package. You can reach this folder by clicking the mouse-button while holding down the CTRL-key on the Cumulus application. Click on 'Show Package Contents' in the context-menu. This will open a finder-window with a subfolder 'Contents'. In that folder you will find a 'Mac OS' folder and there you will find the 'conf' folder which contains the 'ImporterLicense.properties' file.

The Cumulus Importer License File

The Importer license file can be found in the 'conf' folder of your Cumulus Client installation folder ('ImporterLicense.properties'). It is a plain text file that holds your license information and can be edited with every text editor. The debug log file will be created in the folder 'Cumulus Importer 8' and the name of the file is 'Cumulus Importer Debug Log.txt'.

3.3 Import of Data - Examples

To explain the usage of the Cumulus Importer, the software comes with a set of example files. You will find the example files in the 'Examples' folder of your installation folder (usually 'C:\Program Files\Canto\Cumulus Importer 8\' on Windows or 'Macintosh HD/Applications/Cumulus Importer 8' on Mac OS X).

Please open the Cumulus example catalog 'Furniture.ccf' that comes with the software. The catalog is also located in the 'Examples' folder. The catalog contains necessary fields and records for the examples. You will find a shortcut to the 'Examples' folder in the 'Programs' menu.

The example catalog contains 4 additional record fields:

  1. Colors - the field type is 'string list'
  2. Price Euro - the field type is 'Real'
  3. Orders per Month - the field type is 'lnteger'
  4. Date of Release - the field type ist 'Date'
Before the import of data the example catalog contains no categories and neither the additional fields are filled

In the subfolder 'Import scheme files' you will find predefined import schemes that make use of the text files and the Cumulus example catalog 'Furniture'. Remark: the import scheme file contains the path to the text file, so if you have installed the software into a different than the standard folder please make sure that you do change the path to the text file in the import scheme file before using it.

3.3.1 Example 1: Import into a String List Field

In this example a list of colors from a text file should be imported into a Cumulus string list field named 'Colors'. You will find the field assignments necessary for this example in the import scheme file 'Colors import scheme.txt' in the folder 'Import scheme files'.

In the Cumulus example catalog named 'Furniture' you will already find a record field named 'Colors'. It is defined as a string list field. Please change your Cumulus Client setup, so the field is displayed in your information window.

This is what you have to do to make the right assignments inside the Cumulus Importer to import the data (without the help of the import scheme file):

  1. Open the Cumulus example catalog "Furniture".
  2. Open the text file 'Colors.txt' by using the menu item'Importer>Open...'. The file contains a list of colors that should be imported into a string list field.
    On the left hand side, 'red' is displayed as the first line of the text file. Double-click on 'red' (or use the 'Select...' button) to assign the text to a Cumulus field. You have to decide, if you want to import data into a Cumulus record field or a category field. The field 'Colors' is a record field so you have to select 'Record Field' as the field type.
  3. Select the Cumulus record field 'Colors' in the displayed dialog. The first item of each line of the text file will be imported into the Cumulus record field 'Colors'.
  4. This field is not a relation field for the import, so select 'No' in the upcoming dialog.
  5. You can step through each line of the text file by selecting the buttons >> and <<.
  6. Start the import of data by clicking on the button 'Import data...'.
  7. If you have selected to log error messages or log common messages you will be asked to specify the name and path of the log file.
  8. A process bar indicates the progress while importing the data into the catalog.
  9. After importing the data, the number of errors and messages will be displayed. You will find additional information about the data import process (messages and errors) in the log file.

After the data import the string list 'Colors' has the following contents:

List entries will be sorted alphabetically

3.3.2 Example 2: Import into the Category List

In this example, information from a text file should be imported into the Cumulus category list. The text file 'Furniture.txt' contains information about product groups, product names, product types, the name of the designer and the colors of the product. We want to have all this information as categories in the category list. You will find the field assignments necessary for this example in the import scheme file 'Categories import scheme.txt' in the folder 'Import scheme files'.

This is what you have to do to make the right assignments inside the Cumulus Importer to import the data (without the help of the import scheme file):

  1. Open the Cumulus example catalog "Furniture".
  2. Open the text file 'Furniture.txt', which contains the information that you want to import into the category list, by using the menu item 'Importer>Open...'.
  3. On the left hand side the list of the fields of the first line of the text file will be displayed. Select the first 5 lines at once (Product Group, Product Name, Product Type, Designer, Color). All the fields should be imported into the category list. The category list is a virtual record field in Cumulus called 'Categories'. Click on the button 'Assign...'
  4. Select the Cumulus record field 'Categories' in the displayed dialog. The selected item of each line of the text file will be imported into the Cumulus record field 'Categories'.
  5. This field is not a relation field for the import, so select 'No' in the upcoming dialog.
  6. You can step through each line of the text file by selecting the buttons >> and <<.
  7. Please select the option 'Ignore first record of text file', because the first line of the text file does not contain important information to be imported. The first line only contains field names, but no data.
  8. A master category should be created for every new category to get a better structure in the list. Click on the first line and specify the name of the master category in the column 'Additional Info', in this case 'Product Group'.
  9. Repeat step 7 for the lines 2-5 and assign the master category names Product Name, Product Type, Designer and Color.
  10. Start the import of data by clicking on the button 'Import data...'.
  11. If you have selected to log error messages or log common messages you will be asked to specify the name and path of the log file.
  12. A process bar indicates the progress while importing the data into the catalog.
  13. After importing the data, the number of errors and messages will be displayed. You will find additional information about the data import process (messages and errors) in the log file.

After importing the example data into the catalog 'Furniture' the category list looks like this:

It is also possible to import complete hierarchical category structures. Therefor it is necessary to define a category level delimiter in the application preferences (Default: empty).

If you import a category where the name contains the delimiter, the string is transformed into single words and a hierarchical structure is created with these categories. If you import a category like

Sports/Water Sports/Swimming

with the specification above, the new categories are created like this:

Because the field 'Additional Info' does not contain a value, the new categories are created in the 'All' Category Tree (under the master category '$All').

If you would like to import categories into the 'Categories' part of the Categories Tree, you need the following setup:

With the specification above, the new categories are created like this:

You can also use category hierarchies with the 'Additional Info' parameter:

In this example a hierarchy 'Images/Themes' will be created under the $Categories master category before importing the field value. This is the result of the setting above:

3.3.3 Example 3: Import into Record Fields (Notes Field)

In this example a lot of information from the text file 'Furniture.txt' should be imported into the Cumulus text field named 'Notes'. You will find the field assignments necessary for this example in the import scheme file 'Notes import scheme.txt' in the folder 'Import scheme files'.

In the Cumulus example catalog named 'Furniture' you will already find a record field named 'Notes'. It is defined as a text field. Please change your Cumulus Client setup, so the field is displayed in your information window.

This is what you have to do to make the right assignments inside the Cumulus Importer to import the data (without the help of the import scheme file):

  1. Open the Cumulus example catalog 'Furniture'.
  2. Open the text file 'Furniture.txt', which contains the information that should be imported into the 'notes' field by using the menu item 'Importer>Open...'.
  3. On the left hand side the list of fields of the first line of the text file is displayed. Please select the first eight lines at once (product group, product name, product type, designer, color, price Euro, orders per month, release date), to assign a Cumulus field. All the fields from the text file shall be imported into the same Cumulus record field, the 'notes' field. You have to destinguish between importing data into Cumulus record fields or Cumulus category fields. The 'notes' field is a record field, so please select the button 'Record Fields'.
  4. Select the Cumulus record field 'Notes' in the displayed dialog. The selected item of each line of the text file will be imported into the Cumulus record field 'Notes'.
  5. This field is not a relation field for the import, so select 'No' in the upcoming dialog.
  6. You can step through each line of the text file by using the buttons >> and <<.
  7. Please select the option 'Ignore first record of text file', because the first line of the text file does not contain important information to be imported. The first line only contains field names, but no data.
  8. Additional information should be added in front of the data to make the contents of the notes field better readable. Please select the first line and specify the additional information in the column 'Additional Info' (e.g. 'product group:')
  9. Repeat the step 7 for the lines 2-8 and assign the names 'product name:', 'product type:', 'designer:', 'color:', 'price Euro:', 'orders per month:' and 'release date:'.
  10. If you want to import data into a record field of the Cumulus catalog, you have to define a relation between the text file and the Cumulus catalog by specifying one or more relation fields. The Cumulus Importer will only import the data into a record, if the value of the relation field is equal to the value in the field of the text file. The text file contains the file name so we will use this information to define a relation with the Cumulus record field 'Asset Name'.
  11. Please select line number 9 (filename) and assign the Cumulus record field 'Asset Name'. (Remark: the Cumulus record field 'Asset Name' holds the filename, not the field 'record name'!).
  12. This field is the relation field for the import, so select 'Yes' in the upcoming dialog. The Cumulus Importer will perform a search for each record of the catalog, that contains the 'Asset Name' given in field 9 of the text file. If no record is available, a log entry will be written.
  13. Start the import of data by clicking on the button 'Import data...'.
  14. If you have selected to log error messages or log common messages you will be asked to specify the name and path of the log file.
  15. A process bar indicates the progress while importing the data into the catalog.
  16. After importing the data, the number of errors and messages will be displayed. You will find additional information about the data import process (messages and errors) in the log file.

After importing the data, the 'Notes' field of the catalog 'Furniture' has the following contents:

The additional information will be inserted in the notes field ahead of the imported text

3.3.4 Example 4: Import into Record Fields

In this example, information from the text file 'Furniture.txt' should be imported into different Cumulus record fields in one step. You will find the field assignments necessary for this example in the import scheme file 'All fields import scheme.txt' in the folder 'Import scheme files'.

This is what you have to do to make the right assignments inside the Cumulus Importer to import the data (without the help of the import scheme file):

  1. Open the Cumulus example catalog "Furniture".
  2. Open the text file 'Furniture.txt', which holds the information to import, by using the menu item 'Importer>Open...'.
  3. On the left hand side the list of fields of the first line of the text file is displayed. Please select the first 4 lines at once (product group, product name, product type, designer), to assign a Cumulus field. All the fields from the text file shall be imported into the Cumulus category list. You have to destinguish between importing data into Cumulus record fields and Cumulus category fields. The category list is a virtual record field, so please select the button 'Record Fields'.
  4. Select the Cumulus record field 'Categories' in the displayed dialog. The selected item of each line of the text file will be imported into the Cumulus record field 'Categories'.
  5. This field is not a relation field for the import, so select 'No' in the upcoming dialog.
  6. You can step through each line of the text file by using the buttons >> and <<.
  7. A master category should be created for every new category to get a better structure in the list. Click on the first line and specify the name of the master category in the column 'Additional Info', in this case 'Product Group'.
  8. Repeat step 7 for the lines 2-4 and assign the master category names 'Product Name', 'Product Type', 'Designer'.
  9. Assign the Cumulus record field 'Colors' to the text file field that holds the Colors by double clicking line 5. Select the field 'Colors' in the displayed list. This field is not a relation field for the import, so select 'No' in the upcoming dialog.
  10. Assign the Cumulus record field 'Price' to the text file field that holds the price information by double clicking line 6. Select the field 'Price' in the displayed list. The value of the text file will be imported into a Real number field. The Cumulus Importer will convert the text into a number before the import. This field is not a relation field for the import, so select 'No' in the upcoming dialog.
  11. Assign the Cumulus record field 'Orders per Month' to the text file field that holds the orders per month information by double clicking line 7. Select the field 'Orders per Month' in the displayed list. The value of the text file will be imported into an integer number field. The Cumulus Importer will convert the text into a number before the import. This field is not a relation field for the import, so select 'No' in the upcoming dialog.
  12. Assign the Cumulus record field 'Release Date' to the text file field that holds the release date information by double clicking line 8. Select the field 'Release Date' in the displayed list. The value of the text file will be imported into a date field. The Cumulus Importer will convert the text into a date before the import. This field is not a relation field for the import, so select 'No' in the upcoming dialog.
  13. If you want to import data into a record field of the Cumulus catalog, you have to define a relation between the text file and the Cumulus catalog by specifying one or more relation fields (in most cases the Asset Name, if this criteria is unique). The Cumulus Importer will only import the data into a record, if the value of the relation field is equal to the value in the field of the text file. The text file contains the file name so we will use this information to define a relation with the Cumulus record field 'Asset Name'.
  14. Please select line number 9 (filename) and assign the Cumulus record field 'Asset Name'. (Remark: the Cumulus record field 'Asset Name' holds the filename, not the field 'record name'!).
  15. This field is the relation field for the import, so select 'Yes' in the upcoming dialog. The field name is marked with '(+)'. The Cumulus Importer will perform a search for each record of the catalog, that contains the 'Asset Name' given in field 9 of the text file. If no record is available, a log entry will be created.
  16. Please select the option 'Ignore first record of text file', because the first line of the text file does not contain important information to be imported. The first line only contains field names, but no data.
  17. Start the import of data by clicking on the button 'Import data...'.
  18. If you have selected to log error messages or log common messages you will be asked to specify the name and path of the log file.
  19. A process bar indicates the progress while importing the data into the catalog.
  20. After importing the data, the number of errors and messages will be displayed. You will find additional information about the data import process (messages and errors) in the log file.

After importing the data, the catalog 'Furniture' has the following contents:

The categories have been created as sub categories of the defined master categories
and the informationen has been imported into the Cumulus records



3.4 Import of metadata - More examples

The following examples will show more import scenarios.

For these examples we do not ship import scheme files, so please have a closer look at the screenshots of the import settings.

3.4.1 Import into multilanguage text fields

Cumulus allows to use multiple languages in text fields. The needed languages can be configured in the field properties:


Definition of the needed languages in the Cumulus field properties


To import the metadata into the different language fields, you can select the language fields from the list of fieldnames. You will find the language in brackets behind the field name (like in 'Notes (French)'). The field name without a language is the base field (for the specified base language).


Import into the multiple language field Notes


In the following example the field 'Category Name' is a multiple language field also supporting German, French and Spanish to make use of categories trees in different languages.


Import in den mehrsprachigen Kategorienamen


In the import example above a new category 'black' is created (if not already available) and the German, French and Spanish translation are imported into the same category.

3.4.2 Import of asset references

Since version 8.6 of the Cumulus Importer it is also possbile to import Asset References into the Cumulus catalog. So if your import file contains valid file paths that can be used as Asset Reference, you can import these into the Asset Reference field.


Import von Asset-Referenzen in den Cumulus Katalog


If you import asset references into the catalog, Cumulus will check if the paths to files are valid. If the reference is not a valid path, it will not be imported into the catalog and the asset reference will not be changed in the record. An error message is logged in that case.

3.4.3 Multi-langue import into list fields

Since version 8.6 of the Cumulus Importer it is also possbile to import multi-language metadata into list fields. Example:


Mehrsprachiger Import in das Listenfeld Farben


In this example the Importer tries to create a new list enty 'red', if it is not already available in the list. This list entry will also get the German translation 'rot', the French translation 'rouge' and the Spanish translation 'rojo' (based on the setting above).

Please note that a String list field is not a multi-language field, but the list itself can have multiple languages. This is why the language symbol for additional languages is <> and not (). The language can be selected from the list of available languages after the second(!) use of the field in the specification.


The language can be selected from the list of available languages


After importing the colors into the list field 'Colors', the Cumulus String List Editor should have the following list entries:


The String List Editor after the import


Remark: in this example the languages German, French and Spanish have been imported togehter with the main language English. All the other languages that have not been imported explicitely (Danish, Dutch, ...) will get the language value of the main language English (Cumulus Standard).




4 Menu Items


4 Menu Items


Open the text file, which holds the informationen that you want to import into a Cumulus catalog.

Open Import Scheme...

You can open an import scheme file, which holds information about the text file, the Cumulus catalog and the field assignments. After loading an import scheme file you can immediately start importing the data into the Cumulus catalog.

Save Import Scheme...

You can save all your preferences including the field assignments, name and path of the text file, the name of the Cumulus catalog and all the application preferences into an import scheme file. You will be asked to specify the name of the file. You can save it in each and every folder, but we recommend to save the file in the 'Import scheme files' folder.


Click this menu item to open the application preferences dialog.


If you have bought a full version of the product, you can specify the serial of the full version here to unlock all the functionality of the software.


The info dialog displays the current version and registration information of your Cumulus Importer application.


5 Application Preferences


The Cumulus Importer EJaP preferences

5.1 Import File Preferences

The preferences for the text import file

Field Delimiter

The field delimiter separates the fields in the text file. You can specify 'Tabulator' or a single character as the delimiter. The commonly used field delimiter is 'Tabulator'.

Category Delimiter

The category delimiter seperates words in a field of the text file. If you want to import the words as single categories and they are delimited e.g. by Comma or Space, the Cumulus Importer will split the text of the field before creating new categories. The delimiter is a single character.

Category Level Delimiter

With the help of this parameter you can create hierarchical category lists:

Category Level Delimiter: /

Example - Category name to import: Sports/Water Sports/Swimming

If you have defined '/' as the category level, this example category will be imported like this: 'Sports' will be created as a master category and 'Water Sports' will be imported as its sub category.'Swimming' will be imported as a sub category to 'Water Sports'.

Remark: the same mechanism is used while defining additional information to categories. If the additional information contains the category level delimiter, a hierarchical category structure will be created instead of just one category with the given name.

Character Encoding

You can specify the character encoding used when saving the import text file. This is necessary if the text files contain special characters (for example the German example text files contain ä, ö, ü, ß) and the metadata shall be imported on another platform (Mac OS X/Windows).

This is the reason why our Importscheme files make use of 'ISO-8859-1' as the Character Encoding attribute. This allows to read the special characters correctly on the Mac OS X platform, although the files have been created under Windows. Click on Valid Character Encodings to go to the web and get a list of valid encodings. If your text file has been created on the same platform that you use for importing, you usually do not need the parameter, as the encoding used for saving the file is usually the same as the encoding used for reading the data on the same platform.

Usual character encodings for the different platforms are:

Windows = ISO-8859-1, windows-1252
Mac OS X = UTF-8, UTF-16

5.2 Cumulus Preferences

The preferences for the Canto Cumulus records

Import into the first record/all records found

The Cumulus Importer performs a search for all the records or categories that match the defined relation between the catalog and the text file. In this option you can define if the data shall be imported into the first found record/category or into all found records/categories.

Select 'First Record only', if you want the data to be imported only into the first found record. Select 'All records', if you want the data to be imported into all found records.

Create new records for lines that do not correspond to existing records

If the Importer does not find a corresponding record to import the metadata into, this preference allows to create new records in the catalog as the metadata destination.

The new record that is created can be a complete new empty record or a copy of an existing record of the Cumulus catalog. This feature allows to have a dummy record already containing necessary metadata (like an asset reference or thumbnail image or other metadata) that is copied when a new record is needed. To duplicate a record you have to specify the unique record ID to identify the source record.

Remark: if you specify a record ID that is not available in the current catalog during import, the Importer will create a new empty record instead of copying the source record.

Keep/Overwrite Record Field Contents

When importing data into a text field, the Cumulus Importer can overwrite the contents of the field or add the text to the contents.

Select 'Overwrite', if the new text shall replace the text in the field of the record or category. Select 'Append', if the new text shall be appended to the text in the field of the record.

Create missing categories in the category list when importing into the Category Field

Select 'Assign available categories only', if you want to import only the categories that have already been created in the Cumulus category list. If a category (hierarchy) is not available in the category list, the missing category can not be assigned, of course. So in this setup the assignment of categories to records might be a two-step process: first import creates the categories in the category list and in a second import the available categories are assigned to the record(s).

Select 'Create missing categories' to create the category (hierarchy) in the Cumulus category tree while importing metadata. The category (hierarchy) will be created and the new sub-category will be assigned to the record.

Create missing list entries when importing into TEXT LIST fields

Select 'Assign available list entries only', if you want to import only the list entries that have already been created in the Cumulus field definition of the Text List field. If a specified entry is not available in the list, the missing entry can not be assigned, of course. So in this setup the assignment of list entries to records might be a two-step process: first import creates the list entry in the list field definition and in a second import the available list entries are assigned to the record(s).

Select 'Create missing list entries' to create the list entries in the Cumulus field definition while importing metadata. The list entry will be created and will be assigned to the record.


5.3 Cumulus Importer Preferences

The preferences for the Cumulus Importer - Find and Replace Metadata

Find and Replace Metadata while importing into Cumulus Record text fields

With this function you can replace some metadata while importing into the Cumulus Catalog. The configuration is a list of find-and-replace statements, separated by the character '|'.

find text 1=replace text 1|find text 2=replace text 2|find text 3=replace text 3|...

A search will be performed for all occurences inside the text and all these occurrences will be replaced by 'replace text'.


Import Text: Canto<reg/> Cumulus<reg/> Digital Asset Management System will be modified to: Canto® Cumulus®Digital Asset Management System.

With this function you can also insert new line and other special characters. The field values in the import text file can not contain new line characters, but you can add special characters or html tags to indicate the new line and replace these lateron.

The find-and-replace statement '<br/>=\n' will convert the HTML break (new line) by 'real' new lines characters that are valid in Cumulus Text fields.

Import Text example: 'Germany<br/>France<br/>Spain<br/>Greece will be modified at import time by this rule to:


So the field value inside the Cumulus Record will contain new line characters (CrLf) between these words.

With the help of this function you are also able to convert HTML text to real text without HTML tags while importing into the Cumulus Catalog.

5.4 Log File Preferences

The preferences for the log file

Log Errors

If you select this option, all error messages are saved in a log file. This option should always be active.

Log Messages

If you select this option, all common messages are saved in a log file. The common messages might give you more information in case the data is not imported as expected.


6 The Import File


With the Cumulus Importer you can handle all the data that comes from your data sources like an Enterprise Resource Planning System or a Merchandise Management System or just from a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet or a simple Microsoft Word text file. A lot of applications provide a function to save the data in a tabulator delimited text file format. In some applications this is part of the 'Save...' or 'Save as...' function, in other applications it is an 'Export...' functionality.

Please make sure that the data is saved in a format where every record is exported into one line of the text file, and every field information is one column seperated by a TABULATOR character.

Export from Microsoft Excel

In Microsoft Excel just select the area in the spreadsheet that you want to export and save the data by using 'Save as...'. In the Save Dialog select the format 'Text (Tab delimited)'. Your metadata is now ready to be imported into Cumulus.

Export from other Database Systems, like Microsoft SQL, Oracle, Microsoft Access, Claris FileMaker, ...

All database systems provide the functionality to export the data in a tab delimited format. Use this function to prepare your metadata from the Cumulus Importer.


7 Further Information


7.1 Cumulus Importer - Special Functions

In addition to the basic functions of the Cumulus Importer, that allow the import of metadata into a Cumulus Catalog, we have implemented a lot of functionality that should make the configuration of the import easy and flexible.

In this chapter we would like to introduce some of these functions.

7.1.1 Support of Multi Catalog Collections

In the Cumulus Client you can open more than one catalog in more than one window at a time. Even one catalog might be open in two different windows at the same time.

If there is more than one catalog open when you try to import metadata, the Cumulus Importer will ask you to specify the catalog you would like to import the metadata into:

There are 2 catalogs open - which one shall be used?

If you are using an Importscheme file containing the import configuration, the file also specifies the catalog name for the import. The Cumulus Importer will try to find the specified catalog in all the open Cumulus Client Collection windows. If the catalog is not open, you will be asked to open it before you can start the import process.

7.1.2 Support of String List Fields - Multi-Select

A Cumulus Catalog also supports String List Fields with Multi-Selection. In the example catalog 'furniture' you will find a field named 'Multi Colors' that is defined as a multi-select list field (checkbox 'Enable Multi-Select').

If you want to import into List Fields with Multi-Selection, you can just specify the list entries separated by ','. The separator that is used is the 'Category Delimiter' and can be specified in the preferences (default: ',').

The setup to import into a String List field with Multi-Selection

The single entries will be assigned to the Cumulus records. You can specify in the preferences, if only the list entries that are already available in the Catalog shall be used, or if missing list entries should be created automatically.

In the example below the list entries have been created in a first import and then, in a second import the values have been assigned to the records.

List Entries have been assigned to the records

In this example the preferences have been set to 'Create missing list entries' and the import has been started with an empty definition for the list field 'Multi Colors'.

List Entries have been created and assigned to the records

Using these preferences only the missing list entries were created and then the entries have been assigned to the record, but all in one import process.

7.2 Feedback & Support

Your feedback is very much welcome!

Please send all your questions about the product to the email address support@heymann-consulting.de. We try hard to answer your questions quickly and improve our products by implementing functionality based on your feedback.

Remark: we do not offer a telephone hotline for this product. Please send in all your requests by email.

If you have any further questions or problems with the software, please send an email to support@heymann-consulting.de. If you have any problems to define the right assignments for your specific needs, please send an example file so we can help you define the field assignments for the Cumulus Importer.

We hope our product will increase your productivity in your workflow.


8 Version History


Version 8.6.0 - February 2013

New release to support Cumulus 8.6 with changes to support the new Cumulus 8.6 technologies + additional functionality:

- New import function to create new records in the catalog. The new records can be created as new empty records or as duplicates of existing records in the catalog.
- Import of Asset References (chapter 3.4.2 Import of asset references)
- Multi-Language import into String List fields (chapter 3.4.3 Multi-langue import into list fields)
- Import into multi-language fields (chapter 3.4.1 Import into multilanguage text fields)
- New server-site licensing (Cumulus Option Serial Number).

Version 8.5.0 - June 2012

New release to support Cumulus 8.5 and 8.6 with minor internal changes to support the new Canto technology.

Version 8.0.1 - December 2010

Bugfix Release:

1. An error occurred when the category level delimiter has been set to ':'. The hierarchy is from now on created correctly, even if the delimiter is set to ':'.
2. The Importer now imports date values into 'Date Only' fields as they appear in the text file, the data is not checked for correctness anymore. This allows to import values like '08/2010' or '2012'.
3. An error occurred when importing values ending on '.0' (like 13.0) where imported into fields of type 'Double'. This problem has been fixed with this release.
4. Empty strings are not imported into list fields anymore. This lead to a problem in the old version.
5. Closing the Client with catalogs open lead to a Null Pointer Exception - fixed.
6. The error message, that is displayed, when list entries are missing, now also informs about the name of the import field.

Version 8.0.1 v1 - January 2011

1. An error occured (name of the last import field in a scheme file not displayed), when the last import value of the first line was empty - fixed.
2. An error that came up when the import was canceled has been fixed.

Version - Juli 2010

Bugfix Release: the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) coming with the Cumulus Client does not support custom Icons in dialog. The icons in the License and Info Dialog have been removed.

Version 8.0 - April 2010

Official release of the Cumulus Importer for Canto Cumulus 8. In addition to a lot of minor changes the following new features have been implemented:

- optimized for Canto Cumulus 8, now based on the Cumulus Java Classes 8 which makes the metadata import up to 10 times faster than using the Cumulus 7 Java Classes technology
- supports import of Categories and List Entries while importing in the Cumulus Records (1 step process).
While importing into records new Categories (or Category Hierarchies) and missing list entries can be created in the Field Definitions, so these new objects can be assigned to the record. In former versions of the Cumulus Importer, two seperate import processes were needed. Now this can be done in one import process. But you still have both options: create missing Categories / List Entries or just use the available ones in the catalog for the import.
- new support of line breaks inside Fields of type TEXT
- a new 'find and replace' function converts metadata while importing into text fields. This function allows to translate, replace special charaters or HTML tags or convert line breaks.
- the Character Encoding of the import text file can be specified (ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, ...). So now it is fairly easy to import metadata that comes from other platforms that support other character encodings.
- full support of Multi Catalog Collections. You can have a number of catalogs (in a number of different windows) open while importing into the one specified Cumulus Catalog.
If you are using a schemefile, it is only necessary that the specified Catalog is open in one of the different Cumulus Client windows.
- if you import into String List Fields with Multi-Select option, you can use lists of values seperated by ','. The list entries can even be created while importing into the records.
- the new limitation of the tryout version is now 10 records.

Version 7.5 - January 2008

Official release of the Cumulus Importer for Canto Cumulus 7.5. The following changes have been implemented:

- optimized for Canto Cumulus 7.5
- supports the new field types of Cumulus 7.5
- better performance due to new multi-threaded applikation
- better log file
- optimized error control before import of metadata
- improved dialog display
- new debug function for complex metadata import
- relation marker (+) replaced by [is] (or [ist] or [est])

Version 6.6 - November 2005

Official release of the Cumulus Importer for Canto Cumulus 6.6. The software comes with a new licensing mechanism and log file improvements.

The following changes have been implemented:

- support the Java Classes of Canto Cumulus 6.6 Workgroup Edition, Single User and MediaDex
- lists of hierarchical categories can now be importer into records in one step (e.g. 'cat1/subcat1/subcat12,cat1/subcat2/subcat22,cat1/subcat3/subcat1')
- a new license mechanism (license dialog) has been implemented. The new serial numbera are not Cumulus Option numbers anymore, so it is not necessary anymore to get a new Cumulus Activation Key after installing the Cumulus Importer.
- an optimized progress bar now shows the current line number of the import file at run time
- an optimized log file now informs about the preferences used to import the metadata

Version 6.0.4 - August 2005

The version 6.0.4 has been changed to support Cumulus 6.6. Due to an error in the Canto Java Classes, the version 6.0.3 of the Cumulus Importer can not be used with the Cumulus 6.6 version. The Importer now uses a Windows-specific linebreak in the log file and does not trim the additional information anymore.

Version 6.0.3

In version 6.0.3 the log file gives information about all search criteria that did not find any records. The log file also provides information about the line number of the import file if a valid search query could not be generated out of the import data. A problem has been fixed with 'dirty' import files. The application hang when the number of columns in a line of the import file was higher than the specified number of columns in the fields assignment.

Now Cr Lf (Carriage Return Linefeed) is replaced by it Unicode equivalent.

Version 6.0.2

The version 6.0.2 fixes a bug that occured when importing category hierarchies into the category list. With this new version you can import in 'Date Only' fields also.

Version 6.0.1

The version 6.0.1 adds a new function to assign category hierarchies to Cumulus records. The lowest category name in the hierarchy will be assigned to the record. The category names in the category hierarchy of your import file has to be delimited by the 'Category Level Delimiter' defined in the preferences of your Cumulus Importer.

The new product comes with a new set of product IDs provided by Canto. The new product IDs start with 11202-... . If you have received older product IDs with your Cumulus Importer (11200-...) you can get a new product ID from us for free.

Version 6.0

The version 6.0 is the first version of the Cumulus Importer for Canto Cumulus 6. This implementation of the Cumulus Importer is based on the EJaP (Embedded Java PlugIn) Technology introduced by Canto with version 6 of Cumulus. The first versions of the Cumulus Importer (1.0, 2.0 and 2.5) have been released for MacOS (Technology: AppleScript) and version 3.x for Windows. Version 3.1 is the current version to use to import data into a Cumulus 5.x catalog.



Cumulus Importer
©2003-2013, Heymann Consulting